Mugoba – Everything could exist

2023, site specific installation and performance
Mugoba is a temporarily temple in which you can honour the unborn within you.

Mugoba was presented and performed at Graceland festival 2023 and a two week performance program at WIHH gallery.


In Everything could exist we travel to the in between space. Shedding your old skin. Protecting your new, soft, almost porous skin. The in-between time. The fluid moment in which one moves from one to the other. How do we inhabit and embody this undefined space?


The start of this ritual is a performance about not being visible while searching something not knowing yet what. After a slow build up people are invited to either be covered in cloth like a cocoon or covering someone else and stroking a person while the performers are singing accompanied by drum. 


As people say they float away in time, feeling very close and safe.

Language in English 

Performance: Nina Hartskamp, Roosien Verlaan


Photograhpy: Gabor Rusznak


Supported by: Iona Stichting, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Rebel’s uitvaartonderneming