Mugoba is a temporarily temple in which you can honour the unborn within you.
Mugoba was presented and performed at Graceland festival 2023 and a two week performance program at WIHH gallery.
In the installation where performative ritual encounters with the audience, exploring various questions. How do you cope with the loss of a dream? How do you navigate the vulnerable process of transformation, when everything feels new on your skin? How do you nurture that which might still be too intimate to speak about?
Mugoba is a temple! A place where contradictions coexist simply. It’s a soft, womb-like space filled with everything and nothing at once. Here, you can engage with the unborn, embark on exploration, potentially bid farewell to dreams, or cherish them with the breath of life.
This art project was developed by Roosien Verlaan. Mugoba is an experiment at the crossroads of art, care, and spirituality. Roosien works with textiles and performance and is also inspired by shamanism. The project originated in response to her still born child.

Initiator: Roosien Verlaan Image: Jara van den Bosch
Supported by: Iona Stichting, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Rebel’s uitvaartonderneming